Navigating a better relationship with food

Often traveling, connecting with friends/family on the weekend or eating out of routine can have us feeling guilty or different in our bodies. Perhaps “compensatory” behaviours and thoughts creep in after times like this? If this sounds like you, we have a wonderful meditation that will help you with navigating a better relationship with food. […]
3 ways to beat the bloat

Us WIRLy dietitians picked our top 3 ways to beat the bloat! Do you constantly feel bloated at the end of each day, desperate to unbutton your pants? Then you simply MUST read these tips. We’re kicking off with a controversial hint: it’s likely NOT the dairy & gluten you’ve been told to stop eating […]
FREE Personalised Nutrition Review

For a limited time only buy WIRL’s monthly subscription and get a personalised nutrition review for FREE! We (the dietitian’s that we are) will personally review & share how to make your go-to meals more gut friendly. WIRL is harnessing the powerful science that links your gut and your brain (aka your gut-brain axis) to […]
Loaded Sweet Potato Fries

This Loaded Sweet Potato Fries recipe is packed with colourful antioxidant rich veggies that are full of fibre and full of gut-loving goodies! Topped with avo for healthy fats and fibre too! The perfect Meat Free Monday plant meal! Plant points = ~6 Serves: 2 Ingredients: 2 x sweet potato (sliced into fries) 1 […]
Does dairy make you bloated?

If dairy makes you bloated, you’re going to want to read this. 1 in 6 Australians are avoiding dairy products in their diet. That’s a pretty huge stat. Now this could be because they think dairy makes you bloated, for ethical, environmental or preferential reasons which are all completely valid. We just want to make […]
How WIRL is boosting the world’s mood with food

Have you ever stopped to wonder just how much your mood is connected to the food you eat? Well we’re here to share how WIRL is boosting the world’s mood with food. A growing body of scientific research and years of industry experience led co-founders Alicia Holmquest and Bree Pagonis to develop the mental wellbeing […]
Why our language around food matters

Ever thought about the impact that our language around food has, on our mood? Well we’re here to share why why our language around food matters. Distilling foods down to either “good” or “bad” is such an incredibly over simplistic and harmful way to view of food. Period. Sure ALL foods have different nutrient profiles […]
3 things to stop negative body thoughts online

Ever found yourself comparing your body to others you see online? Well, we’ve compiled our top 3 things to stop negative body thoughts online. 1: think snack size each day, <30 mins Some of the existing literature on social media usage suggests there’s an enormous amount of social comparison that happens. A 2017 study out […]
3 ways to remove food guilt from takeout

Want to know the top 3 ways to remove food guilt from takeout? Ask why you’re ordering takeout in the first place and be kind to yourself. If this isn’t in the top 3 ways to remove food guilt from takeout, then it should be! If you’re ordering out of convenience because you had a […]
Food and mood nutrients

Ever wondered how food and mood nutrients might *actually* helps boost our mood? Here are 3 nutrients food and mood nutrients that support our emotional wellbeing and some foods that are full of ’em. There are SO many more, this is just something to whet your appetite! Vitamin C Can help promote mental clarity, reduce […]