Lemon water detox

lemon water detox

Lemon water detox is 100% not slay. Despite what wellness influencers in TikTok tell you about it’s ‘alkalising’ or ‘detoxifying’ benefits, lemon water detox is just a glorified glass of water, with lemon in it. Some watch outs we’d love to share as *actual* health professionals and Accredited Practising Dietitians: Detox claims are usually based […]

Is collagen good for my skin?

I have no doubt you’ve asked yourself before; “is collagen good for my skin?” and you wouldn’t be alone. We shed some light on the most recent science on collagen & skin health. We too were curious. A full admission though, back in early 2021 we wrote a semi-viral social post about collagen supplements and […]

Loaded Sweet Potato Fries

Loaded Sweet Potato Fries Recipe

This Loaded Sweet Potato Fries recipe is packed with colourful antioxidant rich veggies that are full of fibre and full of gut-loving goodies! Topped with avo for healthy fats and fibre too! The perfect Meat Free Monday plant meal! Plant points = ~6 Serves: 2   Ingredients: 2 x sweet potato (sliced into fries) 1 […]