Always feel like something sweet after dinner? Try this.
So, you always feel like something sweet after dinner? It’s an all too common phrase people approach us with and ask for our help on. Well help is on it’s way- we’ve compiled our top 4 considerations for when you always feel like something sweet after dinner below. Spoiler alert, eat something sweet. Also… 1. […]
Our top 3 ways to survive the Easter Egg onslaught
We’ve compiled our top 3 ways to survive the Easter Egg onslaught. Remember, you can eat whatever the f*#$% you want this Easter, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Be aware of easter-focused diet culture: Cue magazines, social media and aunty Karen telling us about how this new diet or exercise regime is going […]
Self Compassion Meditation by Rosie Jean
Self-compassion is the art of giving ourselves the same kindness and care we’d give to a good friend. Enjoy this lovely self compassion meditation from Rosie Jean. Rosie is a Melbourne based yoga and meditation teacher. Before social distancing you would find Rosie teaching yoga at Power Living Fitzroy & Shining Light Northcote. She was […]
Unstoppable snacking? Our top 3 tips to support stress eating.
Feeling like a snack monster? If you’re anything like me, I’ve been snacking my ass off these past few months- when the kitchen is also your office it’s easy to proscrasta-snack 24/7. Procrasta-snacking in itself can be a source of stress, sometimes it’s boredom, sometimes it’s anxiety and sometimes it’s unexplainable. We’ve compiled our […]
Top 10 tips for keeping well this winter
Between scrolling through our socials, banter with the gals and those awkward pre-everyone-jumping-onto-the-zoom-meeting convos, we are having so many chats about how we are surviving this winter. Let’s face it, this winter has been a weird one. Maybe the weirdest one yet, thanks to #isolife. The reality is, we’re creatures of habit and without the […]
WTAF does it mean to be healthy?
WTAF does it means to be healthy? For a very long time we have been told that to be healthy we need to focus on primarily improving our physical self and changing the way we look. We have been convinced that we’re never small enough, fit enough, eating well enough. We would then go on […]
The diet doesn’t have to start on Monday.
We often find when chatting with friends & family that so many of the foods we really love to eat are labelled as ‘bad’ foods. It seems unfair right? Why do all the ‘bad’ foods taste so good? We don’t know about you, but for us, when we eat those foods it can create a […]
3 ways namaste healthy during #isolife.
What a world we’re in RN, supermarket shelves are empty, panic buying is rife and self-isolation/WFH has led to lots of us feelin’ the heat with food and our bodies. ‘Procrasta-baking’ is a real thing, fitspo influencers are pushing workouts for days down our throats and anything that’s available to us goes in the gob. […]
“How to lose weight and weight loss” searching on the reg?
The 6 scientific reasons weight loss does not equal health. So, you’re searching google for “how to lose weight and weight loss”. Well we’re weighing up the science on weight loss and whether it should be the mecca of all health goals. 1. The shape and size of our bodies is not a good indicator […]
Have you ever taken a step back and noticed a bombardment of diets and weight related content lurkin’ in the background (or not so background at times) on your social media feed? This background noise is amplified by the fact that our human brain is innately wired to think negatively. This was hugely helpful in […]